Serena Roschman
MSHC, Co-Founder

I wholeheartedly believe that a consistent, passionate, mindful yoga practice has the power to transform your life. In my classes, you’ll learn simple yet powerful tools for self-care and compassion. Physical postures will help release tension and create circulation and help you to learn to love and care for your body more fully. You’ll also work with your breath as a tool for deep relaxation. Guided meditation and visualization will introduce the philosophy of yoga, which helps you to take the calm and balance you’ve created during your practice off the mat and into your life.

I came to yoga after chronic pain and illness left me feeling helpless and frustrated. With the help of a committed practice, I developed a more loving and understanding relationship with my body and mind, ultimately allowing healing, balancing, and strengthening to occur over time.

I have studied yoga and several traditions of meditation for over a thousand hours with some of the most renowned teachers throughout the world. My teaching is primarily informed by my studies with Gary Kraftsow, Leslie Kaminoff, Sally Kempton, and Pema Chodron. I consider myself a lifelong student of yoga and continue to train extensively to keep my classes intelligent, fresh, and inspired. I have completed rigorous advanced teacher training in Viniyoga with Gary Kraftsow. I have taught yoga in studios, boardrooms, retreat centers, and one on one settings. 

In 2015 I cofounded Room to Breathe, a public yoga studio within Center (psychotherapy). I work with therapists and other healthcare providers to ensure that programming is compassionate, clinically supported, evidenced based, and accessible to all. I hold a master’s degree in health communications from Northwestern University, where I studied how mindfulness and yoga can be better integrated and communicated within the US Healthcare system.